Friday, October 14, 2011

The Thrill Seekers

The Thrill Seekers has been proof read. Today, I get to begin the grunt work of writing a book. I will have to compare every word of the proofread manuscript with my original and make changes. You would think that in this modern world proofreading would be unnecessary. You would think all you had to do was to hit spellcheck. It doesn't work that way. This wonderful machine that can add every number in the New York phone book in less that a hundredth of a second is still too stupid to know the difference between 'here' and 'hear' or my favorite, the difference between 'its' and 'it's'. Yes, the lowly human still has to do those things. But, my proofreader, who is usually my wife, makes comments like 'you need to add more sex here' and 'too much sex... makes her look cheap." At that point, I have to figure out the difference. Why can't this computer do that???

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