Birthdays bode different ways for me. My brother died on his birthday, my father died on his birthday, and my grandfather died on his birthday, so, needless to say, I will tread lightly this day. But, my brother died when he was 8, my father died when he was 58, and my grandfather died when he was 68 and today, I have no "8" appearing anywhere, so there's a degree, be it small, of safety.
Even so, for me, birthdays have been a time to change. Today, I will leave Facebook. Why? Simply because I have never even liked Facebook. I have better things to do than to know that twenty or thirty "friends" who I have no idea who they are, are now "friends" with twenty or thirty other people I don't know. I learned long ago that a "friend" is much more than some name on a computer and I will never be able to measure anything, or at least anything worth having, by how many names appear on some list. Plus, I am simply not the googly-eyed eighteen year old that Facebook was contrived for.
And today, my web page will change. When was first created, I had written two books. Now, that number is eight with two more in the works, a far cry from those first days. Of course, nothing will ever replace the first time I held real book with my name as author and the first time I saw my name on It was... something second only to when my books appeared on Barnes & To me, Barnes & Noble was the ultimate. Their stores were clean, bright, and a shining example of what a book store should be. And, one day, my book and my name appeared on its web page. Yes, silly as it may sound. I wanted to cry.
Just as it appears that ebooks will replace the bound volume, this blog at may replace my web page. And, like I still cling to the printed book because I like the feel, the warmth and even the smell. I will cling to my first web page simply... because it was the first.
Have a great day, I will,
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