Hi, and welcome to my new blog.
Someone asked me how I can be working on so many projects at one time. Truthfully, I don't know. Right now, I am working on six new books. A lot, yes, but I'm not working on six books at a time. I'm working on six books, one at a time. I'm an early riser, usually about four am. Most of my work is done in the early morning, and tomorrow morning I may have a thought about say, one of the books, Medication, and I will sit down and write a paragraph, a page, who knows. One day last week I was inspired to work on The Prophet and I wrote twelve pages non-stop, but that doesn't happen often. Then, I'll move to another. Four or five hours later my day will be over. I try to finish before the View comes on.
Afternoons are for queries, email and to tweak book promotion. I enjoy what I do in the morning and what I do in the afternoon, they're both challenging and fun. Bedtime is the most fun, that's when I get a chance to read someone else's work.Nothing is work as long as you enjoy it.
Obviously, you have developed a successful schedule!